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Generation 1:

Eve Afifi
60 years old
6.5 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Take care kiddos"
[Full Tree]
Generation 19:

Elizabet Afifi
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
1 year old
6.5 years ago
Final words: "H"

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
0 years old
6.5 years ago

Shanaya Afifi
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
43 years old
6.5 years ago
Final words: "Hey"

Dexter Afifi
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
1 year old
6.5 years ago
Final words: "I"

Diamond Afifi
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
9 years old
6.5 years ago
Final words: "F"

Wisdom Afifi
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
40 years old
6.5 years ago
Killed by Rattle Snake
Final words: "Yes"

Tinsley Afifi
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
50 years old
6.5 years ago
Final words: "You are pumpkin"

Emerald Afifi
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
40 years old
6.5 years ago
Final words: "Your name is adr..."
Generation 20:

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
0 years old
6.5 years ago

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
0 years old
6.5 years ago

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
0 years old
6.5 years ago

Susan Afifi
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
27 years old
6.5 years ago
Final words: "I'm going to hunt snakes"

Adrian Afifi
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
59 years old
6.5 years ago
Final words: "Have a nice life..."
Generation 21:

Hercules Afifi
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
1 year old
6.5 years ago
Final words: "!"

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
0 years old
6.5 years ago

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