Esme Afifi
Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
58 years old
6.5 years ago
Final words: "You're doing great"
Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
0 years old
6.5 years ago
Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
0 years old
6.5 years ago
Tulio Afifi
Great Great Great Great Grandson
12 years old
6.5 years ago
Killed by Rattle Snake
Final words: "F"
Terra Afifi
Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
60 years old
6.5 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "One minute"
Antionette Afifi
Great Great Great Great Grandson
60 years old
6.5 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Knife"