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Generation 1:

Eve Walrond
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother
60 years old
6.7 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "I enjoyed this e..."
[Full Tree]
Generation 14:

Mikaela Walrond
Great Great Grandmother
59 years old
6.7 years ago
Final words: "Bye son"

Great Great Great Uncle
0 years old
6.7 years ago

Azure Walrond
Great Great Great Uncle
60 years old
6.7 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Im gonna die in..."
Generation 15:

Hakan Walrond
Great Great Uncle
19 years old
6.7 years ago
Killed by Wolf
Final words: "Have"

Adyson Walrond
Great Grandmother
57 years old
6.7 years ago
Final words: "Take this backpack"

Arrow Walrond
Great Great Uncle
60 years old
6.7 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Good luck to all"

King Walrond
Great Great Uncle
45 years old
6.7 years ago
Killed by Wolf
Final words: "And water"

Burak Walrond
Great Great Uncle
0 years old
6.7 years ago

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