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Generation 1:

Eve Sauler
Distant Relative
27 years old
5.2 years ago
Final words: "Fff"
[Full Tree]
Generation 303:

Jon Sauler
Distant Relative
60 years old
5.2 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Ty"

Thristan Sauler
Distant Relative
58 years old
5.2 years ago
Final words: "Ah"

Jackalin Sauler
Distant Relative
0 years old
5.2 years ago
Sudden Infant Death
Final words: "N"

June Sauler
Distant Relative
7 years old
5.2 years ago

Distant Relative
0 years old
5.2 years ago
Sudden Infant Death

Janeil Sauler
Distant Relative
59 years old
5.2 years ago
Final words: "Goodbye world"

Jasmin Sauler
Distant Relative
60 years old
5.2 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Byebye, bury me"
Generation 304:

Gay Sauler
Distant Relative
56 years old
5.2 years ago
Killed by Wild Boar
Final words: "Directions to br..."

Newana Sauler
Distant Relative
6 years old
5.2 years ago
Final words: "F"

Cleopatra Sauler
Distant Relative
58 years old
5.2 years ago
Killed by Rattle Snake
Final words: "Take care of the..."

Unice Sauler
Distant Relative
54 years old
5.2 years ago
Killed by Hungry Grizzly Bear
Final words: "Yes i know"

Willis Sauler
Distant Relative
22 years old
5.2 years ago
Killed by Wild Boar
Final words: "Junglers town! "

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