Avena Trish
Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
60 years old
5.2 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Aaaaah"
Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
0 years old
5.2 years ago
Final words: "Gasp"
Life Trish
Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
14 years old
5.2 years ago
Final words: "Fuck u sis"
Aven Trish
Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
60 years old
5.2 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Loot my corpse"
Avenell Trish
Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
60 years old
5.2 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Bye"
Fitz Trish
Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
17 years old
5.2 years ago
Final words: "See you"
Berry Trish
Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
60 years old
5.2 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "For kitc hen"