Vega Marcia
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Nephew
60 years old
5.2 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "This town!"
Lyra Marcia
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Niece
60 years old
5.2 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Yw"
Altair Marcia
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Nephew
60 years old
5.2 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Need stake plz"
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Niece
0 years old
5.2 years ago
Sudden Infant Death
Draco Marcia
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Nephew
60 years old
5.2 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "I totally unders..."
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Niece
1 year old
5.2 years ago
Final words: "E"