James Suk
Distant Relative
60 years old
5.0 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Need to make com..."
Jonathan Suk
Distant Relative
37 years old
5.0 years ago
Final words: "You are joeana"
Julia Suk
Distant Relative
60 years old
5.0 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Hi theresa"
Jade Suk
Distant Relative
0 years old
5.0 years ago
Sudden Infant Death
Jill Suk
Distant Relative
0 years old
5.0 years ago
Sudden Infant Death
Jasmin Suk
Distant Relative
58 years old
5.0 years ago
Final words: "Its not mine"
Juliana Suk
Distant Relative
53 years old
5.0 years ago
Killed by Wild Boar
Final words: "Any pads"
Distant Relative
0 years old
5.0 years ago
Sudden Infant Death
Distant Relative
0 years old
5.0 years ago
Sudden Infant Death
Distant Relative
0 years old
5.0 years ago
Sudden Infant Death