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Generation 1:

Eve Gluck III
43 years old
5.9 years ago
Final words: "I am a proud gluck"
[Full Tree]
Generation 15:

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
0 years old
5.9 years ago
Sudden Infant Death

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
0 years old
5.9 years ago
Sudden Infant Death

Nizhoni Gluck
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
60 years old
5.9 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Baby"

Toni Gluck
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
59 years old
5.9 years ago
Final words: "Janna"

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
0 years old
5.9 years ago
Sudden Infant Death

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
0 years old
5.9 years ago
Sudden Infant Death

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
0 years old
5.9 years ago
Sudden Infant Death

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
0 years old
5.9 years ago
Sudden Infant Death

Coco Gluck
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
58 years old
5.9 years ago
Final words: "Make cart big"

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
0 years old
5.9 years ago
Generation 16:

Mercy Gluck
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
15 years old
5.9 years ago
Killed by Yellow Fever
Final words: "I met good ma i..."

Janna Gluck
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
60 years old
5.9 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Keep this town,..."

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
0 years old
5.9 years ago
Sudden Infant Death

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
0 years old
5.9 years ago
Sudden Infant Death

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