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Generation 1:

Eve Rickey
60 years old
6.1 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Almost there heh"
[Full Tree]
Generation 21:

Sierra Rickey
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
20 years old
6.1 years ago
Final words: "How can i name he"

Cami Rickey
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
60 years old
6.1 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "?"

Bravo Rickey
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
0 years old
6.1 years ago

Bravo Rickey II
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
55 years old
6.1 years ago
Final words: "Byeeeeee"

Alpha Rickey
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
23 years old
6.1 years ago
Final words: "Hi"

Taner Rickey
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
57 years old
6.1 years ago
Final words: "Hi"

Papa Rickey
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
48 years old
6.1 years ago
Final words: "Noobs"
Generation 22:

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
0 years old
6.1 years ago

Ciel Rickey
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
12 years old
6.1 years ago
Final words: "H"

Nicola Rickey
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
6 years old
6.1 years ago
Final words: "H"

Emmanuel Rickey
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
32 years old
6.1 years ago
Killed by Yellow Fever
Final words: "I make my food h..."

Marie Rickey
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
3 years old
6.1 years ago
Final words: "H"

Luna Rickey
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
41 years old
6.1 years ago
Killed by Kip Rickey
Final words: "Ouchie"

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
0 years old
6.1 years ago
Generation 23:

Karon Rickey
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
60 years old
6.1 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Bye my children"

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
0 years old
6.1 years ago
Sudden Infant Death

Carrie Rickey
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
2 years old
6.1 years ago
Final words: "Ma"

Jason Rickey
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Granddaughter
12 years old
6.1 years ago
Final words: "Thx"

Kidus Rickey
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
1 year old
6.1 years ago
Final words: "F"

Bobby Rickey
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
10 years old
6.1 years ago
Killed by Yellow Fever
Final words: "Thx"

Sonny Rickey
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
3 years old
6.1 years ago
Final words: "F"

Milo Rickey
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
4 years old
6.1 years ago

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandson
0 years old
6.1 years ago
Sudden Infant Death
Generation 31:

Distant Relative
0 years old
6.1 years ago

Distant Relative
0 years old
6.1 years ago

Distant Relative
0 years old
6.1 years ago
Sudden Infant Death

Klaudia Rickey
Distant Relative
2 years old
6.1 years ago
Final words: "Hug"

Rose Rickey II
Distant Relative
1 year old
6.1 years ago
Final words: "Ff"

Bob Rickey
Distant Relative
0 years old
6.1 years ago

Distant Relative
0 years old
6.1 years ago

Distant Relative
0 years old
6.1 years ago

Distant Relative
0 years old
6.1 years ago

Ben Rickey
Distant Relative
0 years old
6.1 years ago

Distant Relative
0 years old
6.1 years ago

Distant Relative
0 years old
6.1 years ago

Distant Relative
0 years old
6.1 years ago

Distant Relative
0 years old
6.1 years ago

Distant Relative
0 years old
6.1 years ago
Sudden Infant Death

Distant Relative
0 years old
6.1 years ago

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