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Generation 1:

Eve Stoner
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother
18 years old
6.8 years ago
Final words: "Curse"
[Full Tree]
Generation 7:

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Uncle
1 year old
6.8 years ago
Final words: "U"

Haidar Stoner
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Uncle
0 years old
6.8 years ago
Final words: "Y"

Sui Stoner
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother
23 years old
6.8 years ago
Killed by Taio Stoner
Final words: "You are tom"

Koda Stoner
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Uncle
1 year old
6.8 years ago
Final words: "Q"

Koda Stoner
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Aunt
13 years old
6.8 years ago
Killed by Sorren Stoner
Final words: "Screw you!"

Taio Stoner
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Uncle
60 years old
6.8 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Goodjob"

Kushi Stoner
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Aunt
33 years old
6.8 years ago
Final words: "Farm"
Generation 8:

Sweden Stoner
Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother
60 years old
6.8 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "I thing so. I shall sleep"

Tom Stoner
Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Uncle
3 years old
6.8 years ago
Final words: "Why"
Generation 9:

Ford Stoner
Great Great Great Great Great Great Uncle
18 years old
6.8 years ago
Final words: "Ok"

Hercules Stoner
Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother
49 years old
6.8 years ago
Final words: "Lol"

Amy Stoner
Great Great Great Great Great Great Uncle
58 years old
6.8 years ago
Final words: "Yes"

Fate Stoner
Great Great Great Great Great Great Aunt
0 years old
6.8 years ago

Will Stoner
Great Great Great Great Great Great Uncle
7 years old
6.8 years ago
Generation 23:

Tommy Stoner
Great Great Great Great Great Great Nephew
60 years old
6.8 years ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Rip"

Great Great Great Great Great Great Nephew
0 years old
6.8 years ago

Great Great Great Great Great Great Nephew
0 years old
6.8 years ago
Final words: "O"

Elizabeth Stoner
Great Great Great Great Great Great Niece
16 years old
6.8 years ago
Final words: "B"

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